Terms of contract

Terms and conditions for the mediation of holiday accommodations

1. Registration and conclusion of contract

1.1 By registering, the customer offers to the Cilentano GmbH (“Cilentano”) the binding conclusion of a mediation contract based on these terms and conditions. At the same time, his registration represents the offer to conclude the rental contract with the respective landlord of the holiday accommodation on the basis of the description of the holiday accommodation in the online advertisement. Cilentano recommends the use of the online booking form for registration. Registration is made by the applicant also for all persons listed in the registration, for whose contractual obligations the applicant is liable in the same manner as for his own obligations, provided that he has assumed this obligation by express, separate declaration. The customer must state the correct number of persons occupying the holiday accommodation.

1.2 The mediation contract with Cilentano comes into effect upon acceptance of the customer’s registration by Cilentano, the mediated contract comes into effect upon acceptance by the landlord as a contract partner of the customer; Cilentano informs the customer about this by passing on to him the booking confirmation on a durable data medium. The mediated contract (rental contract) is concluded exclusively between the customer and the landlord as the owner of the holiday accommodation. Providing accommodation services is not the responsibility of Cilentano, but lies within the responsibility of the landlord of the holiday accommodation booked. The customer must therefore turn to the landlord with any claims concerning the rental.

2. Payments and deposit

2.1 If there are no separate terms of payment by the landlord or such terms of payment have not become part of the contract, a down payment of 20 % of the total booking price is due immediately after receipt of the booking confirmation and must be effected within 7 days after the invoice date. The crediting to Cilentano’s account is decisive for the timeliness of each payment. The down payment is credited toward the total price. The balance of the total price has to be transferred to the account of Cilentano four weeks before the beginning of occupancy, without further notice to do so. This means that for bookings made less than four weeks before the start of occupancy, the total price to be paid falls due for payment immediately. Cilentano is authorized to collect all payments to the landlord. According to the EU package travel directive security certificates for holiday accommodation contracts are no longer compulsory. If such security certificates are presented, this is done on a voluntary basis and the customer has no right to receive a security certificate before payment.

2.2 If payments due are not made or not made on time by the customer despite a reminder and a reasonable deadline for payment, Cilentano is entitled to withdraw from all contracts concluded with the customer (mediation contract, rental contract etc.), also in the landlord’s name, or to cancel them and to charge the customer with cancellation fees in accordance with section 5.

2.3 The amount of the deposit to be left with the landlord/caretaker as a security for any possible damages to/at the holiday accommodation is stated in the travel description and the booking confirmation and falls due immediately upon arrival at the accommodation. Anything pertaining to the deposit is a matter between the landlord and the customer. Cilentano as the mediator does not take over responsibility for the deposit or for any damage caused by the customer.

3. Special duties of the guest and treatment of the property, notification of damage, pets

3.1 The rented holiday accommodation may only be used for holiday purposes and occupied by the number of persons specified in the booking confirmation. In case of over-occupancy, the landlord is entitled to demand additional appropriate compensation for the period of over-occupancy. Cilentano and the landlord have the right to banish the respective surplus of persons from the holiday accommodation and from the property. Those persons must leave the property immediately.

3.2 The rental contract is concluded only for the period specified in the booking confirmation. In case of premature arrival, the tenant has no claim to occupancy of the holiday accommodation. The times of arrival and departure are stated in the booking confirmation. In case of early departure or late arrival neither the rental price nor part of it are refunded. The tenant must always give notice of any delay in arrival. In case of late arrival, the tenant is not entitled to occupancy of the holiday accommodation after the time on that day indicated in the booking confirmation or in this section. The right to extraordinary termination by the tenant remains unaffected. The rented property must be handed over on the day of departure by 10.30 a.m. at the latest, in orderly and broom-clean condition, with the garbage having been disposed of.

3.3 The customer is obliged to handle the rented holiday accommodation properly and with care and to make sure it is sufficiently aired. The customer as the tenant is legally liable for damages to the property, the house or the inventory he has caused by negligent conduct. The customer has to check his liability insurance coverage for travel/foreign countries and upon request provides proof of such coverage to the landlord. The customer is obliged, in the event of possible defaults in performance, within the scope of the statutory duty to avert, minimize or mitigate loss, to do anything within reason to help remedy the default and to keep possible damages as small as possible.

3.4 The customer has to inform both the landlord on-site and Cilentano, the latter under the address/phone number specified below, immediately of any defects at the holiday accommodation confirmed upon arrival or arising during the time of occupancy and to request remedy. The contact person responsible on-site and his/her phone number are stated in the travel documents.

3.5 Subletting of the holiday accommodation by the customer is not permitted.

3.6 Pets are allowed at the holiday accommodation only if this is explicitly stated in the description of the property, if the animal was indicated by the customer at registration and confirmed in the booking confirmation by Cilentano. The customer has to provide details about the pet to be brought along (type of animal, number, size, age) in his registration. Cilentano and the landlord always reserve the right not to allow a pet to be taken along in individual cases, depending on the specific nature of the animal (this does not apply to small animals). Animals are not allowed in bedrooms, on sofas and seating accommodations and in pools.

3.7 The customer is also responsible for regular cleaning of the rented property, which has to be left in clean condition before departure. Any final cleaning included in the price does not pertain to cleaning of the dishwasher, the stove, the oven, the refrigerator and the kitchen equipment; these must be left perfectly clean before departure. If extra cleaning is required, the owner or his representative will charge the cleaning time. Grime, dirt or damage to the furnishing of the accommodation that cannot be removed by commonly used means are charged separately. Any compensation resulting from the above provisions at the guest’s expense must be paid to the owner or his representative before departure.                                      

3.8 The customer is responsible for the separation and disposal of waste. Non-compliance with waste separation can result in municipal fines and considerable costs.

4. Changes to services after conclusion of contract

Cilentano and the landlord of the holiday accommodation reserve the right to change or deviate from the promised service after conclusion of the contract, if this agreement of the change or the deviation, taking into account the interests of the landlord and of Cilentano, is within reason for the other contractual party and was not brought about against good faith.

5. Withdrawal of the customer and rebooking

5.1 The customer can withdraw from the rental of the holiday accommodation at any time before the start of occupancy. The customer is recommended to declare his withdrawal to Cilentano in writing. If the customer as the tenant of the holiday accommodation withdraws from the contract, the owner of the holiday accommodation as the landlord is entitled to compensation according to his terms of cancellation, which Cilentano invoices and passes on to the customer on behalf of the landlord. The amount of the landlord’s lump-sum compensation (and that of the lump sums listed below) is determined by the occupancy price less the value of the expenses expected to be saved by the landlord and his expected revenue by renting the holiday accommodation to someone else. Compensation for cancellation is always to be paid to Cilentano as the collection agent of the landlord. Compensation is due for payment immediately. If there are no separate terms of cancellation by the landlord or such conditions have not become part of the contract, a lump-sum compensation as a percentage of the total rental price, based on the time of the customer’s cancellation, can be demanded as follows. Cancellation

– up to 60 days before start of occupancy:  10 %

– 59 to 30 days before start of occupancy:  30 %

– 29 to 14 days before start of occupancy:  50 %

– 13 to 7 days before start of occupancy:    80 %

– as of 6 days before start of occupancy:     90 %

The customer is at liberty to prove that Cilentano or the landlord has not incurred any damage at all or only to a significantly lower amount than the lump sums applied in each case.

5.2 Changes to the time of travel or the duration of occupancy upon request of the guest after conclusion of the contract (rebooking), should the change of booking be possible and carried out, are charged by Cilentano with a rebooking fee of € 27 per rebooking up to 90 days before the start of the trip. Rebooking after the above mentioned 90 days can only be carried out after withdrawal from the contract under the above conditions and simultaneous new registration. The customer is at liberty to prove that damage in the amount of the lump sums has not been incurred.

5.3 In the event of premature departure or late arrival of the tenant, there is no refund of the full or pro-rata rental or travel price.

6. Termination by the landlord due to the customer’s behavior

In the event of over-occupancy, the landlord has the right to terminate the use of the holiday accommodation for cause or banish the surplus of persons. The landlord may also terminate the contract after the commencement of occupancy if a customer, irrespective of a warning from the owner or a local agent, permanently disrupts the execution of the contract or if a customer or accompanying customer behaves contrary to the contract to such an extent that immediate termination of the contract is justified. This applies in particular to the following cases: despite warning, occupancy of the property contrary to the contract, for instance over-occupancy of the holiday accommodation, is continued; despite warning, house rules are violated or peace in the house is severely disturbed; the contractual object is substantially damaged by the customer by willful intent or gross negligence. In case of imminent danger, the landlord is entitled to enter the holiday accommodation and to take initial measures to avert the danger. Cilentano is entitled to issue warnings and terminations on behalf of the landlord.

7. Liability of Cilentano, limitation of liability

7.1 Cilentano assumes no liability for the proper execution and provision of the accommodation services at the holiday accommodation. Responsibility in this respect lies with the landlord as the customer’s contracting party.

7.2 Cilentano is liable only for proper mediation and customer advisory service. Information about the holiday accommodation arranged for is based exclusively on the information Cilentano is provided with by the individual owners and landlords, which Cilentano adopts, and therefore does not constitute representation by Cilentano itself.

7.3 Cilentano is liable as an agent arranging for individual services for intent or gross negligence. In case of slight negligence, Cilentano is liable only if an essential contractual obligation (cardinal obligation) is violated. The claim for damages against Cilentano in case of slight negligence of contractual obligations is always limited to damage foreseeable and typical for the contract as a possible consequence with regard to the type of service at the time of conclusion of the contract. This also applies to slight negligence of duties/obligations by the legal representatives and vicarious agents of Cilentano. All limitations of liability mentioned do not apply to compensation for damages due to injury to life, body and health.

8. Data protection

Cilentano informs you, the customer, about the processing of your personal data in the privacy statement on its website and when contacting Cilentano in the data protection notice. When processing personal data, Cilentano complies with the provisions of the BDSG (Federal Data Protection Act) and the DSGVO (General Data Protection Regulation). Personal data are all data that refer to a person personally and identify him/her (e.g. name, address, e-mail address). These data are processed as far as is necessary for the appropriate processing of the customer’s enquiry, booking enquiries, for the execution of pre-contractual measures or for the fulfillment of the mediation or rental contract. Pursuant to Art. 6 sect. 1 sent. 1 lit b DSGVO data processing is permitted for the purposes mentioned. Data are not passed on to unauthorized third parties without the customer’s express consent. The customer has the possibility and the right to access his/her stored personal data at Cilentano’s at any time, to request information about them, to have them changed, corrected or deleted, to have their processing restricted, to object to their processing, to have them transferred or to complain to a supervisory authority about the processing (all rights of Art. 15 to 20 DSGVO). The data are deleted, if they are no longer necessary for the fulfillment of the contract or if their storage is legally inadmissible.

If your personal data are processed on the basis of legitimate interests pursuant to Art. 6 sect. 1 sent. 1 lit. f DSGVO, you have the right, pursuant to Art. 21 DSGVO, to object, on grounds relating to your particular situation, to the processing of your personal data. You can exercise your right of objection by sending an e-mail to info@cilentano.de or by contacting Cilentano at the address specified below. By sending a message to info@cilentano.de you can also object to the use or processing of your data for purposes of advertising, market or opinion research or for marketing purposes at any time free of charge.

9. Miscellaneous provisions and information

9.1 The invalidity of individual provisions of the mediation contract does not result in the invalidity of the entire contract. The invalidity of the mediated contract does not affect the validity of the mediation contract and vice versa. Exclusively German law shall apply to the mediation contract.

9.2 If the customer is a merchant or legal entity under private or public law or a person who is domiciled or habitually resident abroad or whose domicile or habitual residence is not known at the time the action is filed, the place of jurisdiction shall be the registered office of Cilentano.

9.3 Information: Online dispute resolution in accordance with Art. 14 para. 1 ODR-VO: The European Commission provides an online dispute resolution (ODR) platform, which the customer can access at ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/. Dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration body: Cilentano does not participate in any dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration body and is not legally obliged to participate in said proceedings.


Cilentano GmbH
Adlergasse 1
93047 Regensburg/Germany
General Manager: Mrs. Ina Wickenhagen
E-mail: info@cilentano.de, www.cilento-ferien.de
Registered office of the company: Regensburg/Germany
Registry Court of Regensburg, HRB: 15386, VAT-ID: DE306338824
Phone: 0049 (0)941 / 56 76 46-0
Fax: 0049 (0)941 / 56 76 46-1
Essential features of the service: mediation of individual services (rental contracts for holiday accommodation)
Liability insurance: Dialog Versicherung AG, 81718 Munich/Germany
Scope of insurance cover: worldwide
The contract is governed by German law: cf. section 9.1

These General Terms and Conditions are protected by copyright.
Updated February 1st 2022


Terms and conditions for the organization & performance of travels

1. Conclusion of the travel contract

1.1 By registering, the customer offers to the travel operator Cilentano GmbH („Cilentano“) the binding conclusion of a contract based on the travel description in the online advertisement and on these terms and conditions. Registration is made by the applicant also for all participants listed in the registration, for whose contractual obligations the applicant is liable in the same manner as for his own obligations, provided that he has assumed this obligation by express, separate declaration.

1.2 The travel contract comes into effect upon Cilentano’s acceptance of the customer’s registration. Cilentano confirms the conclusion of the contract by passing on to the customer the booking confirmation on a durable data medium either directly or via the travel mediator (only in the case of Art. 250 § 6 sect. 1 sent. 2 EGBGB (Introductory Act to the Civil Code) in paper form) and transmits the insurance certificate which insures and covers all the customer’s payments in case of the travel operator’s bankruptcy/insolvency. Should the contents of the booking confirmation differ from the contents of the registration, this constitutes a new offer under observance of the pre-contractual information obligation by Cilentano, which Cilentano is bound to for 10 days. Within this period, the customer can accept the new offer by express or conclusive statement (e.g. a down payment), based upon which the travel contract with the new contents comes into effect.

2. Payments

After receipt of the booking confirmation and the insurance certificate, a down payment of 20 % toward the travel price falls due and has to be effected. The down payment is credited toward the total travel price. The balance of the total travel price falls due and has to be settled four weeks before the start of the travel, when the travel is sure to be performed and, above all, cannot be canceled anymore pursuant to section 6.1, and it must have been transferred to Cilentano without further notice to do so. Timeliness of the payment is determined by the latter’s ultimate availability to Cilentano. 

3. Services

The services owed under the contract result from the description of the services by Cilentano within the concrete general description of the respective travel in connection with the individual travel confirmation which confirms the conclusion of the contract. 

4. Changes to price and contract after conclusion of contract, significant changes to contract, rights of the customer

4.1 Cilentano reserves the right to unilateral increase of the travel price after conclusion of the contract, if this increase in price results directly from a) a price increase for the transport of persons due to higher costs of fuel or other energy sources, b) an increase in taxes and other charges for stipulated travel services, such as tourist taxes, port or airport dues, or c) a change in the exchange rate relevant to the respective package holiday, provided these circumstances have actually occurred after the conclusion of the contract and were unforeseeable at the time the contract was concluded. In the cases mentioned, the travel price changes to the extent to which the increase of the factors mentioned in a) to c) affects the travel price per person. Should this be the case, Cilentano will immediately, in clear and comprehensible terms, inform the customer on a durable data medium (e.g. by e-mail) about the increase in price as well as the reasons for the increase and, at the same time, about the calculated price increase. An increase in price becomes effective only if it complies with the requirements mentioned here and the customer is informed 20 days prior to the start of the travel at the latest. An increase in price charged later than 20 days prior to the start of the travel is invalid. Particular attention is drawn to Cilentano’s obligation to price reduction pursuant to section 4.2.

4.2 The possibility of an increase in price is stated in section 4.1. Likewise, the customer has the right to price reduction, if and insofar as the prices, fees or exchange rates mentioned in section 4.1 a) to c) change after conclusion of the contract and prior to the start of the travel and result in lower costs for Cilentano. Should the customer have paid more than the amount owed according to the aforementioned, the surplus has to be refunded by Cilentano. Cilentano has the right to subtract from the amount to be refunded any actual administrative expenses it has incurred and upon request of the customer has to provide evidence for the amount of these expenses. 

4.3 Cilentano reserves the right to unilateral change of other contractual terms apart from the travel price, provided the changes are insignificant, do not impair the overall arrangement of the travel booked and are not brought about against good faith (e.g. in case of changes in flight time up to 4 hours, changes to routes). Cilentano has to inform the customer on a durable data medium (e.g. by e-mail, SMS) in clear, comprehensible and prominent terms about the change. The change is valid only if it complies with these requirements and is stated prior to the start of the travel. 

4.4 Significant changes to contract: Should the increase in price reserved under section 4.1 exceed 8 % of the travel price, Cilentano cannot put it into effect unilaterally. Cilentano can, however, offer to the customer an appropriate price increase and request that within a certain and reasonable time limit he (1) accept the offer of price increase or (2) declare his withdrawal from the contract. The offer with an increase in price must be submitted 20 days prior to the start of the travel at the latest. If, due to a circumstance occurring after the conclusion of contract, Cilentano is able to perform the travel only by significantly changing one of the essential characteristics of the travel services (Art. 250 § 3 sect.1 EGBGB) or only by not complying with special demands of the customer, which have become content of the contract, sentence 2 of this section 4.4 applies accordingly, i.e. Cilentano can offer to the customer the respective other change to contract and request that within a certain and reasonable time limit he (1) accept the offer of a change to contract or (2) declare his withdrawal from the contract. The offer of such other change to contract cannot be submitted after the start of the travel. 

4.5 In its offer regarding an increase in price or other change to contract pursuant to section 4.4 Cilentano can alternatively submit to the customer an offer for participation in a different package holiday (alternative travel arrangement), about which Cilentano has to inform the customer pursuant to Art. 250 § 10 EGBGB.

4.6 After expiry of a time limit specified by Cilentano pursuant to section 4.4, the offer for an increase in price or other change to contract is considered accepted.

4.7 If the customer withdraws from the contract pursuant to section 4.4, Sect. 651h subsect. 1 sent. 2 and subsect. 5 BGB (German Civil Code) apply accordingly. If, as a consequence of the customer’s withdrawal, Cilentano is obliged to refund the travel price, Cilentano has to do so immediately, in any case within 14 days after the withdrawal. Claims of the customer pursuant to Sect. 651i subsect. 3 (7) BGB remain unaffected. 

5. Withdrawal of the customer, replacement by third party

5.1 The customer can withdraw from the travel at any time before the start of the travel. Receipt of the declaration of withdrawal by Cilentano shall be decisive. The customer is recommended to declare his withdrawal in writing.  

5.2 If the customer withdraws from the travel contract, Cilentano loses its claim to the stipulated travel price, can, however, demand an appropriate compensation from the customer. For this reason, Cilentano has fixed the following lump-sum compensations, which are determined by the period between the declaration of withdrawal and the start of the travel, the value of the expenses expected to be saved by Cilentano and the expected acquisition by disposing otherwise of the travel services, as a percentage of the travel price, based on the time and date of the customer’s withdrawal. Cancellation

– up to 30 days before the start of travel:    20%

– 29 to 22 days before the start of travel:    30%

– 21 to 14 days before the start of travel:    40%

– 13 to 7 days before the start of travel:       50%

– 6 days to 1 day before the start of travel: 80%

– no-show thereafter:                                               90%

The customer is free to prove that Cilentano has not incurred any damage at all or only to a significantly lower amount than the lump sums applied. Should Cilentano be obliged to refund the travel price after withdrawal of the customer, Cilentano has to do so immediately, in any case within 14 days after his withdrawal. Cilentano is not entitled to compensation if unavoidable, extraordinary circumstances at the place of destination or in its immediate surroundings significantly impair the performance of the travel or the transport of persons to the place of destination.

5.3 The customer can, within a reasonable time limit before the start of the travel, declare on a durable data medium (e.g. by e-mail) that a third party is to assume his rights and duties resulting from the travel contract. Timeliness of this declaration is given, if Cilentano receives it 7 days before the start of the travel at the latest. Cilentano can object to the entry of the third party, if this third person does not fulfill the contractual travel requirements. If a third party enters into the contract, he and the customer as joint and several debtors are liable toward Cilentano for the travel price and for the additional costs resulting from the entry of the third party. Cilentano can claim compensation of additional costs only if and insofar as these are reasonable and Cilentano has actually incurred these expenses. Cilentano has to furnish proof to the customer of the amount of the additional costs resulting from the entry of the third person.

6. Withdrawal and termination by Cilentano

6.1 Cilentano can, up to 4 weeks before the start of the travel, withdraw from the contract and cancel the trip, if the minimum number of participants has not been reached, provided that in the pre-contractual information Cilentano has explicitly pointed out the minimum number of participants and the time before the stipulated start of the travel up to which the traveler must have received the declaration of withdrawal and provided that the minimum number of participants and the deadline for withdrawal are stated in the travel confirmation. Cilentano can also withdraw from the contract before the start of the travel, if due to unavoidable, extraordinary circumstances Cilentano is not able to fulfill the contract. Cilentano must then declare withdrawal immediately after the reason for withdrawal is known.   

6.2 If Cilentano withdraws from the travel contract pursuant to section 6.1, it is not entitled to claim the stipulated travel price. Payments toward the travel price are refunded to the customer immediately, within 14 days at the latest, after the withdrawal of Cilentano. 

6.3 Should the traveler, in spite of a warning from Cilentano, show permanent disruptive behavior or behave contrary to the contract to such an extent that continuation of the contractual relationship until the termination date agreed upon or until the end of a period of notice is unacceptable, or behave severely contrary to the contract in any other way, Cilentano has the right to terminate the contract without observance of a time limit. In this case, Cilentano’s claim to the travel price remains unaffected, less the value of saved expenses and, as the case may be, effected reimbursements by service providers or similar benefits derived from alternative use of the service not used. Possible additional costs for repatriation have to be paid by the disrupter.  

7. Duties of the customer, remedy, time-limit before termination by the customer

7.1 The customer has to report any defects/deficiencies without undue delay either to the local representative of Cilentano or under the address/telephone number specified below and to request remedy to be provided within a reasonable period. The contact number is always stated in the booking confirmation. Should Cilentano not have been able to provide remedy due to the customer’s culpable failure to report the defect, the customer is not entitled to assert the rights pursuant to Sect. 651m BGB or to demand damages pursuant to Sect. 651n BGB. If the customer requests remedy, Cilentano has to provide remedy for the travel deficiency. Remedy can be refused, if it is impossible to be provided or if, taking into account the extent of the defect and the value of the travel service concerned, the remedy involves disproportionate expenses. Cilentano can provide remedy by providing an alternative service of equal or higher value. Should Cilentano be entitled to refuse remedy of the deficiency and should the deficiency concern a significant part of the travel services, Cilentano has to offer remedy by appropriate alternative services. 

7.2 Should a travel be severely affected due to a deficiency and should Cilentano not provide remedy within a reasonable period of time, the customer can terminate the travel contract within the framework of legal regulations; for the sake of proof, the termination should be declared in writing. The customer need not specify a time limit only if Cilentano refuses remedy or if immediate remedy is required. If the customer terminates the contract, Cilentano is entitled to the stipulated travel price concerning the travel services performed and the services yet to be performed for the conclusion of the package holiday; claims of the customer pursuant to Sect. 651i subsect. 3 (6) and (7) BGB remain unaffected. For travel services not to be performed anymore Cilentano cannot claim the stipulated travel price; payments made for these services have to be refunded to the customer of Cilentano. Cilentano is obliged to take the necessary measures resulting from the termination of the contract, in particular, if the contract includes the transport of the customer, to provide with undue delay for his return transport/repatriation; the means of transport used in this case must be equal to the one agreed upon in the contract. The additional costs for repatriation/the return transport have to be paid by Cilentano.

7.3 The customer is obliged, in the event of service disruptions, to co-operate within the scope of legal regulations concerning the duty to avert, minimize or mitigate damages, to avert possible damages or keep them as small as possible. As to the travel documents the following applies: The customer has to inform Cilentano, if he does not receive his necessary travel documents within the time limit stated by Cilentano.

8. Liability and limitation of liability 

Cilentano’s liability by contract for damages which are not bodily injuries and have not been brought about culpably is limited to three times the travel price. This limitation of liability is not valid for claims for lost baggage according to the Montreal Convention. 

9. Duty to inform about the identity of the operating airline

Pursuant to EU-VO No. 2111/05 (European regulation) Cilentano is obliged to inform the customer, at the time of booking, about the identity of each airline which might perform flight services within the scope of the travel booked. Should the operating airline/s not be determined at that time, Cilentano has to name the airline/s which is/are likely to operate the flight/s and has to make sure with undue delay that the customer is immediately informed about the identity of the airline/s as soon as it/they has/have been determined. This also applies in case the operating airline changes.  The EU Black List (air safety list) is found on the website ec.europa.eu/transport/modes/air/safety/air-ban_de.

10. Passport and visa requirements, health regulations

Cilentano informs the customer about passport and visa requirements of the country of destination, including the approximate periods for obtaining visas, as well as health regulations formalities (e.g. statutory vaccinations and medical certificates) which are required for the travel and the stay.

11. Data protection

Cilentano informs you, the customer, about the processing of your personal data in the privacy statement on its website and when contacting Cilentano in the data protection notice. When processing personal data, Cilentano complies with the provisions of the BDSG (Federal Data Protection Act) and the DSGVO (General Data Protection Regulation). Personal data are all data that refer to a person personally (e.g. name, address, e-mail address). These data are processed as far as is necessary for the appropriate processing of your inquiry, booking inquiry, for the execution of pre-contractual measures or for the fulfillment of the travel contract. Pursuant to Art. 6 sect. 1 sent. 1 lit. b DSGVO data processing is permitted for the purposes mentioned. Your data are not passed on to unauthorized third parties without your express consent. You have the right to access your stored personal data at any time, to request information about them, to have them changed, corrected or erased, to have their processing restricted, to object to their processing, to have them transferred or to complain to a supervisory authority about the processing (all rights of Art. 15 to 20 DSGVO). The data are erased if they are no longer required for the fulfillment of the contract or if their storage is legally inadmissible. Should your personal data be processed on the basis of legitimate interests pursuant to Art. 6 sect. 1 sent. 1 lit. f DSGVO, you have the right to object, pursuant to Art. 21 DSGVO, on grounds relating to your particular situation, to the processing of your personal data. You can exercise your right of objection by sending an e-mail to info@cilentano.de or by contacting Cilentano at the address specified below. By sending a message to info@cilentano.de you can also object to the use or processing of your data for purposes of advertising, market or opinion research or for marketing purposes at any time free of charge.

12. Miscellaneous, information about ODR and arbitration

12.1 The invalidity of individual provisions does not result in the invalidity of the entire travel contract. It is exclusively German law that shall apply to the contractual and legal relationship between the customer and Cilentano. Should the customer be a merchant or a legal entity under private or public law or a person domiciled or habitually resident abroad or a person whose domicile or habitual residence is not known at the time the action is filed, the place of jurisdiction shall be the registered office of Cilentano.

12.2 The European Commission provides an online dispute resolution (ODR) platform for out-of-court settlements of consumer rights disputes concerning travel contracts concluded by way of electronic transaction, which the customer can access at ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/. Dispute resolution proceeding before a consumer arbitration body: Cilentano does not participate in any such voluntary dispute resolution proceedings and is not legally obliged to do so. There is no internal appeals procedure.


Travel operator:
Cilentano GmbH
Adlergasse 1
93047 Regensburg/Germany
General Manager: Mrs. Ina Wickenhagen
E-Mail: info@cilentano.de, www.cilento-ferien.de
Registered office of the company: Regensburg/Germany
Registry Court of Regensburg, HRB: 15386, VAT-ID: DE306338824
Phone: 0049 (0)941 / 56 76 46-0
Fax: 0049 (0)941 / 56 76 46-1
Essential features of the service: Performance of package holidays
Liability insurance: Dialog Versicherung AG, 81718 Munich/Germany
Scope of insurance cover: worldwide
The contract is governed by German law: cf. section 12.1

These General Terms and Conditions of Travel are protected by copyright.